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interesting什么意思? interesting翻译(中文文):有趣味



interesting什么意思? interesting翻译(中文文):有趣味

例句1:The book is very interesting, I couldn't put it down.(这本书非常有趣,我简直停不下来。)

例句2:I find the history of ancient civilizations very interesting.(我古代文明的历史非常有趣。)

例句3:The movie was not that interesting, I fell asleep halfway through.(这部电影并不那么有趣,我看到一半就睡着了。)

例句4:Her presentation on marine life was extremely interesting and informative.(她关于海洋生物的演讲非常有趣且富有信息性。)

例句5:I always find our conversations so interesting, we have such different perspectives.(我们的对话总是那么有趣,我们拥有如此不同的观点。)


1. Fascinating - 作为形容词,意为“迷人的”、“吸引人的”,强调某事物或者情况具有强烈的吸引力。

例句:His stories about his travels are always fascinating.(他关于旅行的故事总是那么迷人。)

2. Engaging - 作为形容词,意为“有吸引力的”、“迷人的”,强调某事物或者情况让人感兴趣或者参与其中。

例句:The teacher's engaging storytelling kept the students' attention throughout the class.(老师引人入胜的讲故事能力让学生整节课都保持注意力。)

3. Intriguing - 作为形容词,意为“有趣的”、“引人入胜的”,强调某事物或者情况具有神秘或者令人好奇的特质。

例句:The detective found the case very intriguing and couldn't s investigating.(这位侦探这个案件非常有趣,无法停止调查。)

4. Amusing - 作为形容词,意为“有趣的”、“逗乐的”,强调某事物或者情况能够带来欢乐和娱乐。

例句:The children were amused by the clown's funny tricks.(孩子们被小丑搞笑的把戏逗乐了。)

5. Captivating - 作为形容词,意为“迷人的”、“吸引人的”,强调某事物或者情况具有迷住人心的魅力。

例句:Her captivating smile caught everyone's attention in the room.(她迷人的微笑吸引了房间里每个人的注意力。)




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