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interestingly什么意思? interestingly翻译(中文文):有

意思的是,令人感兴趣的。它可以用来形容某件事或者某个人引起了人们的注意或者兴趣。:Interestingly, the movie received mixed reviews from critics.




1. Interestingly, the study found that people who sleep less than 6 hours a night have a higher risk of developing heart disease. (有趣的是,这项研究睡眠少于6小时的人患心脏病的风险更高。)

interestingly什么意思? interestingly翻译(中文文):有

2. She has a very interesting job – she gets to travel around the world and write about her experiences. (她有一份非常有趣的工作 - 她可以环游世界并写下她的经历。)

3. Interestingly, the two artists share a similar style of painting despite coming from different backgrounds. (有意思的是,这两位艺术家尽管来自不同背景,但却拥有相似的绘画风格。)

4. He is an interesting speaker and always manages to keep his audience engaged throughout his presentations. (他是一个很有趣的演讲者,总能在演讲中保持观众的兴趣。)

5. Interestingly, the book was originally written in French and then translated into English by the author himself. (有趣的是,这本书最初是用法语写的,然后由作者自己翻译成英语。)


1. Fascinating: extremely interesting or attractive, often in a mysterious way. (极具吸引力的,常常有神秘感。)

例句:The museum has a fascinating collection of ancient artifacts.

2. Intriguing: arousing curiosity or interest; fascinating. (引起好奇心或兴趣的;迷人的。)

例句:The novel has an intriguing plot that keeps readers hooked until the end.

3. Engaging: charming and attractive; pleasant and interesting. (迷人的;愉快有趣的。)

例句:She is an engaging storyteller who can capture her audience's attention effortlessly.

4. Captivating: capable of attracting and holding interest; charming. (有吸引力的;迷人的。)

例句:The documentary on wildlife was absolutely captivating.

5. Gripping: exciting or interesting in a way that keeps your attention completely. (令人激动或有趣,能够完全吸引你的注意力。)

例句:The movie had a gripping storyline that kept me on the edge of my seat.




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