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1. piss的意思是指排尿,尤其是指小便。这个词通常被认为是粗俗的,因此在正式场合或者文学作品中很少会出现。

2. piss的读音为/pɪs/,读法为piss,重音在第一个音节。

3. 用例:

例句1:He couldn't hold it any longer and had to piss behind a tree.

例句2:The sound of someone pissing in the toilet woke me up in the middle of the night.

例句3:She was so drunk that she pissed her pants in public.

例句4:I can't believe he just pissed on the side of the road like that.

例句5:The dog lifted its leg and pissed on the fire hydrant.

4. 组词:

piss off (使生气,惹恼)

pissed (生气的)

pissing (排尿的)

pissed off (生气的)

pissed on (被小便泼到)

5. piss的中英文对照:



Piss这个词在正式场合或者文学作品中并不常见,因为它被认为是粗俗的。它的意思是指排尿,尤其是指小便。读音为/pɪs/,读法为piss,重音在第一个音节。组词有piss off、pissed、pissing、pissed off和pissed on等。虽然这个词有些粗俗,但在口语中还是很常见的,特别是在表达生气或者不满的情绪时。但我认为,在正式场合或者文学作品中使用这个词可能会给人带来不良影响,因此应该避免使用它。


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