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1. playground是指供儿童玩耍的场所,通常为室外空间,也可以是室内的游乐场所。:The children are playing happily in the playground.(孩子们正在操场上开心地玩耍。)

2. playground的用法和例句读音读法

/playground/ [ˈpleɪɡraʊnd]

3. playground是什么意思,playground的用法和例句的用例

- 作为名词,playground可以指儿童游乐场所,也可以指其他任何供儿童玩耍的场所。:The park has a new playground with swings and slides for children to play on.(这个公园有一个新的游乐场,里面有秋千和滑梯供孩子们玩耍。)

- 在某些情况下,playground还可以指成年人娱乐和放松的场所。:The city's nightlife is known as a playground for adults.(这个城市的夜生活被称为成年人的游乐场。)

- 另外,playground也可以用作形容词,表示“适合玩耍”的意思。:This park is very playground-friendly, with lots of open space and equipment for kids to play on.(这个公园非常适合玩耍,在这里有很多开阔空间和供孩子们玩耍的设施。)

例句1:The playground is full of children playing and laughing.


例句2:The new shopping mall has a playground for kids on the floor.


例句3:The amusement park is a popular playground for families on weekends.


例句4:The beach is like a giant playground for children, with sand and water to play with.


例句5:The city's downtown area is known as a playground for adults, with its lively bars and clubs.


4. playground是什么意思,playground的用法和例句组词

- 搭配词:children's playground (儿童游乐场),indoor playground (室内游乐场),public playground (公共游乐场)

- 同义词:play area,recreation ground

- 反义词:workplace (工作场所)

- 派生词:playground equipment (游乐设备),playground games (操场游戏)

5. playground是什么意思,playground的用法和例句的中英文对照

- 中文:操场;游乐场所

- 英文:playground;recreation ground



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