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in a great way什么意思? in a great way翻译(中文文):

1. in a great way的意思是以非常好的方式,以出色的方式。

in a great way什么意思? in a great way翻译(中文文):

2. 怎么读(音标):[ɪn ə ɡreɪt weɪ]

3. 用法:in a great way通常用作副词短语,表示某事物或某人的表现非常出色或令人印象深刻。

4. 例句:

- She handled the situation in a great way, earning the respect of her colleagues.


- The team worked together in a great way to achieve their goal.


- The new product was received in a great way by consumers.


- The singer performed the song in a great way, receiving a standing ovation from the audience.


- He expressed his gratitude to his parents in a great way, making them feel proud and happy.


5. 同义词及用法:

- Excellently:adv. 非常好地,优秀地

例句:She performed her role excellently in the play.


- Remarkably:adv. 非常,显著地

例句:He improved remarkably in his studies after getting a tutor.


- Exceptionally:adv. 异常地,非常地

例句:The team played exceptionally well in the final match, winning the championship.


6. 编辑总结:

in a great way是一个表示非常出色、优秀的方式的副词短语,在口语和书面语中都可以使用。它可以用来形容某人或某事物的表现、处理方式或反应等,强调其出色、令人印象深刻。除了in a great way之外,还可以使用excellently、remarkably或exceptionally等同义词来表达类似的意思。使用时要注意上下文,选择最合适的词汇来强调所要表达的含义。


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