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四:1. I have been living abroad for a year now and I am starting to feel homesick.(我已经在国外生活了一年,现在开始感到想家了。)

2. He couldn't s crying when he saw his old family photos, he was homesick.(当他看到自己以前的家庭照片时,他止不住地哭了,他很想家。)

3. She wrote letters to her family every week to ease her homesickness.(她每周给家人写信来缓解自己的想家之情。)

4. The homesickness became unbearable when she couldn't go back home for the holidays.(当她不能回家过节时,想家之情变得无法忍受。)

5. He felt a pang of homesickness every time he heard his hometown dialect in a foreign country.(每次在国外听到自己家乡方言时,他都会感受到强烈的想家之情。)

五:同义词及用法:homesick可以用nostalgic或者missing home来表达,也可以用longing for home或者yearning for home来表示。:

1. She felt nostalgic for her hometown when she saw the old photos.(当她看到旧照片时,她对家乡感到怀旧。)

2. He was missing home so much that he decided to book a flight back.(他非常想家,决定订一张回家的机票。)

3. The soldier wrote letters to his family, longing for home every day while he was deployed.(这位士在期间每天都写信给家人,对家乡充满了渴望。)

4. She couldn't s yearning for home when she saw a picture of her family on her desk at work.(当她在工作桌上看到一张家人的照片时,她无法停止对家乡的渴望。)

六:编辑总结:homesick是一个形容词和名词,通常用来描述对离开家乡或者亲人的强烈思念和惆怅。它可以用nostalgic、missing home、longing for home或者yearning for home来替换。如果你远离家乡或者亲人,不妨多与他们保持,以缓解homesickness所带来的情绪。


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