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hill什么意思? hill翻译(中文文):小山, 丘陵, 斜坡 hellip




hill什么意思? hill翻译(中文文):小山, 丘陵, 斜坡 hellip

1. The house is situated on of a hill, providing a beautiful view of the surrounding countryside. (这座房子坐落在山顶上,可以欣赏周围乡村的美景。)

2. We went for a hike in the hills and saw some wildflowers along the way. (我们去山里远足,在路上看到了一些野花。)

3. The children love to roll down the grassy hill in the park. (孩子们喜欢在公园里的草坡上滚来滚去。)

4. The old castle sits a a steep hill, making it difficult for enemies to attack. (古堡坐落在陡峭的山顶上,使得敌人很难攻击。)

5. She struggled to climb up the steep hill, but finally made it to the . (她费力地爬上陡峭的山坡,最终到达了山顶。)

同义词及用法:mountain, peak, mound, knoll





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