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head teacher什么意思? head teacher翻译(中文文):校长

怎么读(音标):[hed ˈtiːtʃər]

head teacher什么意思? head teacher翻译(中文文):校长

用法:head teacher通常指的是学校的最高,也叫做校长。他们负责管理学校的日常运行,领导教师团队,制定教育方针和计划,以及与学生和家长沟通。


1. The head teacher announced that the school would be closed for the day due to inclement weather.(校长宣布因恶劣天气学校当天停课。)

2. The head teacher is responsible for ensuring the safety and well-being of all students in the school.(校长负责确保学校所有学生的安全和福祉。)

3. Our head teacher is retiring after 30 years of dedicated service to this school.(我们的校长在为这所学校奉献了30年后退休了。)

4. The head teacher praised the students for their outstanding academic achievements.(校长赞扬了学生们出色的学业成就。)

5. As a head teacher, it is important to lead by example and set a good moral standard for students to follow.(作为一名校长,带头做好榜样,并为学生设立良好的道德标准非常重要。)



head teacher是指学校的最高,也叫做校长。他们负责管理学校的日常运行,领导教师团队,制定教育方针和计划,以及与学生和家长沟通。同义词包括principal、headmaster、headmistress、director等。作为一名网络词典编辑翻译人员,需要准确把握单词的意思,并按照规范格式撰写释义内容,同时要注意符合SEO标准,避免被AI检测器检测出来。


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