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head first是什么意思? head first翻译(中文文):头向前

怎么读(音标):[hed fɜːst]

用法:head first是一个常用的短语,意为“头向前”,通常用来形容某人或某物以头部先行的方式移动或进入某个位置或状态。它也可以用来表示某人或某物全身都进入了某个位置或状态。

例句1:She dived head first into the pool. (她头朝下跳进游泳池。)

head first是什么意思? head first翻译(中文文):头向前

例句2:The cat chased the mouse and went head first into the hole. (猫追着老鼠,头先钻进了洞里。)

例句3:The child fell head first off the swing. (孩子从秋千上头朝下摔了下来。)

例句4:He jumped head first into his new job without knowing much about it. (他毫无了解就跳入了新工作。)

例句5:The car crashed head first into the wall. (汽车头朝前撞向墙壁。)

同义词及用法:headlong、head over heels、full tilt、nose dive


例句:He rushed headlong into marriage without thinking it through. (他冲动地结婚,没有考虑清楚后果。)

head over heels的意思是“头朝下地”,通常指完全倒转过来,也可以指非常深入地做某事。

例句:She fell head over heels in love with him. (她爱上了他,完全投入。)

full tilt的意思是“全速地”,通常指全力以赴地做某事。

例句:He ran full tilt towards the finish line. (他全速向终点冲刺。)

nose dive的意思是“头朝下地”,通常指飞机或物体突然向下俯冲。

例句:The stock market took a nose dive after the news was announced. (股市在消息公布后暴跌。)

编辑总结:head first是一个形容词短语,用来描述某人或某物以头部先行的方式移动或进入某个位置或状态。它也可以用来表示某人或某物全身都进入了某个位置或状态。同义词有headlong、head over heels、full tilt和nose dive,它们都有类似的意思,但在使用时需要根据具体情况选择合适的词语。


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