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hang out是什么意思,hang out的翻译,hang out音标、读音、

一:hang out是什么意思,hang out的翻译,hang out音标、读音、的意思

hang out是一个常见的英语短语,它有多种含义,通常根据上下文来理解其具体含义。最基本的意思是“挂出去”,指物体悬挂在某个位置。除此之外,它还可以表示“闲逛、消磨时间”、“待在某个地方”、“和朋友一起度过时光”等。


hang out的音标为[hæŋ aʊt],其中[æ]发音类似于“a”,[ʊ]发音类似于“o”。

hang out是什么意思,hang out的翻译,hang out音标、读音、


1. 指物体悬挂在某个位置

- The clothes are still hanging out on the clothesline.


- The flag was hanging out of the window.


2. 闲逛、消磨时间

- They like to hang out at the mall on weekends.


- I don't have any plans for tonight, so I'll just hang out with my friends.


3. 待在某个地方

- We decided to hang out at the park for a while.


- I often hang out at the library after school.


4. 和朋友一起度过时光

- They used to hang out together all the time.


- Let's hang out at my place this weekend.



1. I like to hang out with my friends after work.(下班后我喜欢和朋友们一起消磨时间。)

2. She hung her coat out on the balcony to dry.(她把外套挂在阳台上晾干。)

3. They are always hanging out in front of that café.(他们总是在那家咖啡馆前闲逛。)

4. My mom told me not to hang out with those bad kids from school.(我妈妈告诉我不要和学校里那些坏孩子一起玩。)

5. The cat likes to hang out on the windowsill and watch the birds outside.(这只猫喜欢坐在窗台上看外面的鸟儿。)


1. chill (out) - 放松、休息、闲逛

:Let's just chill at the beach this weekend.(这周末我们就在海滩放松一下吧。)

2. loiter - 闲逛、徘徊

:The police warned the teenagers not to loiter in front of the store.(告这些青少年不要在商店前闲逛。)

3. linger - 徘徊、逗留

:He lingered outside her house, hoping to see her.(他在她家外面徘徊,希望能见到她。)

4. hang around - 闲逛、待在某地

:They like to hang around the park on Sundays.(他们喜欢在周日待在公园里。)


hang out是一个常见的英语短语,它有多种含义,通常根据上下文来理解其具体含义。除了基本的“挂出去”外,它还可以表示“闲逛、消磨时间”、“待在某个地方”、“和朋友一起度过时光”等。要注意根据上下文来理解其具体含义,并且和同义词搭配使用可以丰富表达方式。


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