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handclap什么意思? handclap翻译(中文文):鼓掌, 拍手 hellip

handclap [ˈhændklæp]

handclap什么意思? handclap翻译(中文文):鼓掌, 拍手 hellip

n. 鼓掌, 拍手


1. 作为动词,表示拍手,表达赞赏或鼓励的情绪。

2. 作为名词,指一次或多次的拍手动作。


1. The audience gave a loud handclap as the performer finished his act. (观众在表演者完成表演后大声鼓掌。)

2. The teacher asked the students to give a handclap for their classmate who won the award. (老师要求学生为获奖同学鼓掌。)

3. The handclaps of the fans echoed throughout the stadium as their team scored a goal. (球迷们的鼓掌声在球场上回荡,因为他们的球队进了一球。)

4. The children were delighted when they received a handclap from their parents after their performance. (孩子们在表演后得到父母的鼓励时很高兴。)

5. The speaker paused and waited for the audience's handclaps to die down before continuing his speech. (演讲者停顿,等待观众的鼓掌声平息后再继续讲话。)


1. Applause [əˈplɔːz]: 表示赞赏或欢迎的拍手声,通常用作不可数名词。例句: The concert ended with thunderous applause from the audience. (音乐会以观众的雷鸣般掌声结束。)

2. Clap [klæp]: 拍手,通常指单次的拍手动作,也可以用作动词。例句: The speaker asked the audience to clap along with the music. (演讲者要求观众跟着音乐拍手。)




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