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gathering什么意思? gathering翻译(中文文):聚集, 收款




1. The gathering of family and friends for Thanksgiving dinner was a cherished tradition. (感恩节晚餐上家人和朋友的聚会是一项珍贵的传统。)

gathering什么意思? gathering翻译(中文文):聚集, 收款

2. The gathering of evidence was crucial in solving the case. (收集证据在解决这个案件中至关重要。)

3. We had a small gathering at the park to celebrate her birthday. (我们在公园举行了一个小型聚会来庆祝她的生日。)

4. The annual harvest gathering is a time for farmers to come together and share their experiences. (每年一次的收获节是农民们相聚并分享经验的时刻。)

5. She spent the morning gathering wildflowers in the field. (她花了早晨时间在田野里采摘野花。)


1. assembly: 聚集,

例句:The assembly of students in the cafeteria turned into a heated debate about school policies.


2. collection: 收集,收藏

例句:Her collection of antique dolls was displayed at the local museum.


3. reunion: 团聚,重聚

例句:The family reunion was a joyous occasion with lots of food and laughter.


4. harvest: 收获,收割

例句:The harvest festival is a celebration of the year's crops and a time to give thanks to the farmers.


5. congregation: 聚会,群众

例句:The congregation gathered in the church for Sunday service.





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