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fresh air是什么意思? fresh air翻译(中文文):新鲜空气

怎么读(音标):[fɹɛʃ ɛr]

用法:fresh air是指空气中含有较高比例的氧气,没有被污染或者受到其他有害物质影响的空气。通常用来形容清新、健康的空气。

fresh air是什么意思? fresh air翻译(中文文):新鲜空气

例句1:The fresh air in the countryside is so refreshing after living in the city for so long.(长期生活在城市里后,乡村的新鲜空气让人感觉如此清新。)

例句2:Open the windows and let some fresh air into the room.(打开窗户,让一些新鲜空气进入房间。)

例句3:Spending time outdoors and breathing in the fresh air can do wonders for your mental and physical health.(在户外活动并呼吸新鲜空气对你的身心健康有奇效。)

例句4:The mountain climbers were grateful for the fresh air at the summit after a long and exhausting climb.(长途攀登后,登山者为山顶上的新鲜空气感到感激。)

例句5:The doctor advised the patient to take walks outside every day to get some fresh air and improve their respiratory system.(医生建议病人每天外出散步,以获得新鲜空气并改善呼吸。)

同义词及用法:clean air, pure air, unpolluted air, unpolluted atmosphere

编辑总结:fresh air是指没有被污染或受到其他有害物质影响的空气,通常用来形容清新、健康的空气。在现代社会中,由于工业和交通等因素,新鲜空气变得越来越稀缺,因此我们应该尽量保护环境,让我们和未来的后代都能呼吸到新鲜的空气。


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