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frequently什么意思? frequently翻译(中文文):常常, 频

怎么读(音标): [ˈfriːkwəntli]

用法: frequently是一个副词,表示经常地,频繁地。它可以修饰动词、形容词或其他副词。


1. She frequently goes to the gym to work out. 她经常去健身房锻炼身体。

frequently什么意思? frequently翻译(中文文):常常, 频

2. The weather in this city changes frequently. 这个城市的天气变化频繁。

3. He is frequently late for work, which annoys his boss. 他经常上班迟到,这让他的老板很生气。

4. The teacher frequently reminds her students to study hard. 老师经常提醒学生要努力学习。

5. They meet up for dinner frequently to catch up with each other's lives. 他们经常一起吃晚餐,互相了解彼此的生活。

同义词及用法: often, regularly, repeatedly, consistently

often和frequently都表示频繁地,但often更强调次数多,而frequently则更强调时间间隔短。:He often goes to the movies with his friends on weekends. (他周末经常和朋友一起去看电影。) He frequently goes to the movies with his friends during the week. (他平时经常和朋友一起去看电影。)

regularly和frequently都表示有规律地,但regularly更强调按照固定的时间间隔。:She regularly goes to the gym every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. (她每周一、三、五都会按时去健身房。) She frequently goes to the gym whenever she has free time. (她每当有空闲时间就会去健身房。)

repeatedly和frequently都表示反复地,但repeatedly更强调次数多,而frequently则更强调时间间隔短。:He repeatedly asked for a raise, but his boss refused. (他反复要求加薪,但老板拒绝了。) He frequently asked for a raise, but his boss only gave him a small increase. (他经常要求加薪,但老板只给了他一点点涨幅。)

consistently和frequently都表示一贯地,但consistently更强调稳定性和持续性,而frequently则更强调频率高。:He consistently performs well in exams. (他考试成绩一贯优秀。) He frequently performs well in exams, but sometimes he also has bad grades. (他考试经常表现不错,但有时也会有差的成绩。)

编辑总结: frequently是一个常用的副词,在表达频率高、经常发生的情况时可以使用它来修饰动词、形容词或其他副词。它与often、regularly、repeatedly和consistently都有一定的相似性,但又各自有所不同,需要根据具体语境来选择使用。在写作中,可以通过使用这些同义词来避免重复使用频率高的词汇,使文章更加生动多样。


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