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free style是什么意思? free style翻译(中文文):自由式

怎么读(音标):[friː staɪl]

用法:free style一词通常用作形容词或名词,表示做事或表达自由、无拘束的风格。

free style是什么意思? free style翻译(中文文):自由式

例句1:She has a free style of painting, never following any rules or guidelines.


例句2:He is known for his free style of writing, often incorporating elements from different genres.


例句3:In free style swimming, the swimmers are allowed to use any stroke they want.


例句4:The band's music is a mix of different styles, but they are best known for their free style improvisations.


例句5:She always does her presentations in a free style, without any notes or scripts.



1. Unconstrained - 形容词,意为“无限制的”,也可指行为或表达没有约束。

:"He has an unconstrained way of speaking that can be refreshing." (他说话的方式很不受限制,这样做很耐人寻味。)

2. Uninhibited - 形容词,意为“放松的,不拘束的”,指做事或表达时没有顾虑或拘谨。

:"She is known for her uninhibited dance moves on stage." (她因在舞台上放松自如的舞姿而闻名。)

3. Spontaneous - 形容词,意为“自发的,即兴的”,指做事或表达时没有提前计划或准备。

:"Their music is a mix of different genres, with a spontaneous element to it." (他们的音乐融合了不同流派,其中有一种自发性。)

编辑总结:free style一词通常用于形容个人风格或行为方式具有自由、无拘束、无约束的特点。它可以用作形容词或名词,在不同领域都有应用,如艺术、运动、表达等。同义词包括unconstrained、uninhibited和spontaneous等。总之,free style强调个人独特性和自由性,在现代社会中越来越受欢迎,并且已经成为一种生活态度和价值观。


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