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flock什么意思? flock翻译(中文文):羊群, 群, 大量, hellip



1. 当表示一群羊时,flock通常作为可数名词使用。:A flock of sheep is grazing in the field.(一群绵羊正在田野上吃草。)

2. 当表示一组人或物时,flock通常作为不可数名词使用。:A flock of tourists gathered around the famous landmark.(一大批游客聚集在著名的地标周围。)

flock什么意思? flock翻译(中文文):羊群, 群, 大量, hellip

3. 作为动词时,flock的意思是“聚集”或“成群结队地移动”。:The birds flock together in the winter.(这些鸟在冬天会聚集在一起。)


1. A flock of birds flew overhead, blocking out the sun.


2. The town was filled with a flock of tourists during the summer season.


3. Every morning, a group of students would flock to the library to study.


4. The sheep flocked to the shepherd when he called them for feeding.


5. As soon as the doors opened, the shoppers flocked into the store to grab the best deals.



1. Herd:指一群动物,尤其是牲畜,通常用作可数名词。:A herd of cows grazed in the field.(一群奶牛在田野上吃草。)

2. Group:泛指一组人或物,可以用作可数或不可数名词。:A group of friends went on a trip together.(一群朋友一起去旅行了。)

3. Pack:通常指由同类事物组成的紧密结合的体,可以用作可数或不可数名词。:A pack of wolves was chasing after its prey.(一群狼在追逐猎物。)




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