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1. 传宗接代英文怎么写(怎么读)?

chuan zong jie dai ying wen zen me xie (zen me du)?

2. 传宗接代英文怎么写(怎么读)?读音读法

chuan:/tʃwɑːn/,zong:/zɔːŋ/,jie:/dʒiː/,dai:/daɪ/,ying wen:/ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ/,zen me xie:/ˈhaʊ tə raɪt/

3. 传宗接代英文怎么写(怎么读)?的用例

例句1: The eldest son of the family is responsible for carrying on the family name and tradition.

例句2: In many cultures, it is believed that having a male heir is crucial for passing down the family line.

例句3: The king's main concern was to produce an heir who could continue his dynasty.

例句4: She was determined to have a child and fulfill her duty of passing on the family legacy.

例句5: Despite modern advancements, some families still prioritize the concept of passing on their lineage.

4. 传宗接代英文怎么写(怎么读)?组词

- 传(chuan) - to pass on

- 宗(zong) - clan/family

- 接(jie) - to receive/take over

- 代(dai) - generation/descendant

5. 传宗接代英文怎么写(怎么读)?的中英文对照

传宗接代 - passing on the family line

英文 - English

怎么写 - how to write

怎么读 - how to pronounce

继承家族的血脉,是保证家族延续和传统传承的重要方式。在许多文化中,这被视为至关重要的事情。我们可以用"passing on the family line"来表达这一概念,在英文中,"heir"指代继承人,"legacy"则表示家族遗产和传统。通过词汇编辑,可以帮助读者更好地理解和运用这一概念。总而言之,传宗接代是家族血脉的延续,更是一种无形的财富传递,它将永远连接我们与家族的过去、现在和未来。


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