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feeder什么意思? feeder翻译(中文文):饲养员, 奶瓶, 进


feeder什么意思? feeder翻译(中文文):饲养员, 奶瓶, 进





1. 饲养员:在农场或动物园中,负责喂养动物、清理饲料等工作的人员就被称为feeder。:“The zookeeper hired a new feeder to take care of the lions.”

2. 奶瓶:在婴儿喂食时使用的小型容器就被称为奶瓶。:“The baby was crying, so the mother prepared a bottle and fed her.”

3. 进料器:在工业生产中,为了保证生产线连续运转,会使用一种叫做feeder的装置来提供原材料。:“The factory upgraded its production line with new feeders, which greatly increased efficiency.”

4. 进给装置:类似于进料器,在机械设备中也会使用feeder来提供必要的零件或物品。:“The machine sped working because the feeder was jammed.”


1. The feeder at the zoo was responsible for feeding all the animals. 动物园的饲养员负责喂养所有动物。

2. The baby refused to drink from the bottle, so the mother had to use a spoon as a feeder. 宝宝不肯用奶瓶喝奶,母亲只能用勺子当作喂食器。

3. The factory installed a new automatic feeder to improve production efficiency. 工厂安装了一台新的自动进料器,以提高生产效率。

4. The machine sped working because the feeder was not properly loaded. 机器因为进给装置没有正确装载而停止运转。

5. The bird feeder in my backyard attracts many different kinds of birds. 我后院的鸟食盒吸引了许多不同种类的鸟类。


1. caretaker: 指负责照顾和管理特定事物或地点的人。:“The caretaker of the park makes sure everything is clean and tidy.”

2. nanny: 指雇佣来照顾婴儿或幼儿的女佣。:“The nanny took care of the children while their parents were away.”

3. dispenser: 指可以提供特定物品或服务的机器或设备。:“The water dispenser in the office always has cold and hot water available.”

4. provider: 指提供物资或服务的人或。:“The government is the main provider of healthcare in this country.”

5. supplier: 指提供商品或服务的公司或个人。:“We need to find a new supplier for our raw materials.”




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