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evil是什么意思? evil翻译(中文文):邪恶的, 带来麻烦的



1. 作形容词时,evil通常用来描述某种行为、人或事物具有邪恶、危害性或不道德。:

evil是什么意思? evil翻译(中文文):邪恶的, 带来麻烦的

- The evil witch cast a spell on the prince.(邪恶的女巫对王子施了魔法。)

- He is an evil man who takes pleasure in others' suffering.(他是一个喜欢看别人受苦的邪恶之人。)

2. 作名词时,evil指一切邪恶、罪恶之事。:

- The battle between good and evil continues to rage on.(善与恶之间的战争仍在继续。)

- The world is full of both good and evil.(世界上既有善良也有邪恶。)


1. His words were filled with malice and evil intentions.


2. The evil deeds of the dictator were finally brought to light.


3. It's hard to believe that such an innocent-looking child could have such an evil heart.


4. The villagers were afraid of the evil spirits that haunted the old mansion.


5. She was consumed by the evil of jealousy and it ultimately destroyed her relationships.



1. wicked:指具有邪恶、罪恶或不道德行为的人或事物,比evil更强调对道德准则的违反。

2. malevolent:指具有敌意、恶意或想要伤害他人的行为。

3. malicious:指存心要伤害他人、故意做坏事的行为。

4. sinister:指带有不祥预兆、暗示或阴谋性质的行为。

5. vile:指极其卑劣、令人厌恶的行为。




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