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engagement什么意思? engagement翻译(中文文):约会, 婚



engagement什么意思? engagement翻译(中文文):约会, 婚


1. Our engagement was announced in the local newspaper. 我们的订婚被当地报纸报道了。

2. He has a busy schedule, but he always makes time for his engagement with his girlfriend. 他的日程很忙,但他总是抽出时间和女朋友约会。

3. Their engagement was called off due to their differences in opinion. 由于意见不合,他们的订婚被取消了。

4. The company's engagement in social issues has gained them a lot of positive attention. 公司在社会问题上的参与获得了很多积极的关注。

5. She accepted his proposal of engagement and they started planning for their wedding. 她接受了他的求婚,并开始计划他们的婚礼。


1. Appointment: 指定时间见面或会面。:I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow.

2. Commitment: 承诺或责任。:He made a commitment to finish the project on time.

3. Involvement: 参与或涉及。:My involvement in the project has been minimal.

4. Betrothal: 订婚。:The betrothal ceremony will take place next month.

5. Pledge: 保证或承诺。:She made a pledge to donate a portion of her salary to charity.




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