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end-point什么意思? end-point翻译(中文文):终点 hellip

一:end-point什么意思? end-point翻译(中文文):终点 hellip 的意思是指某个过程或活动的结束或最终目标。

二:怎么读(音标): [end-point],读音为 /ˈɛnd pɔɪnt/。


end-point什么意思? end-point翻译(中文文):终点 hellip


1. The end-point of our journey was the of the mountain. (我们旅行的终点是山顶。)

2. The end-point of this experiment is to find a cure for cancer. (这次实验的最终目标是找到治愈癌症的方法。)

3. The company has set a clear end-point for their sales target this year. (公司今年的销售目标设定了明确的终点。)

4. He finally reached his end-point after years of hard work. (经过多年努力,他终于达到了自己的目标。)

5. We need to define an end-point for this project before we can move on to the next phase. (在进行下一阶段之前,我们需要确定这个项目的一个终点。)


1. Destination: 表示旅行或移动的终点,也可以用来表示某个目标。

例句:The destination of our road trip was the Grand Canyon. (我们公路旅行的目的地是大峡谷。)

2. Goal: 通常指某个长期的、具体的目标,强调努力和计划。

例句:My goal is to become a successful entrepreneur. (我的目标是成为一名成功的企业家。)

3. Objective: 和goal类似,指某个具体的、可衡量的目标,强调客观性和实现性。

例句:The objective of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the new drug. (这项研究的目标是确定新药物的有效性。)




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