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end up什么意思? end up翻译(中文文):竖着, 结束, 死 hellip

怎么读(音标):/end ʌp/

end up什么意思? end up翻译(中文文):竖着, 结束, 死 hellip

用法:end up是一个动词短语,表示最终处于某种状态或位置,通常指意外或不计划中的结果。

例句1:After getting lost in the woods, we ended up at a small cabin.


例句2:I never thought I would end up living in this city, but here I am.


例句3:If you keep spending your money like this, you'll end up broke.


例句4:He always wanted to be a doctor, but he ended up becoming a lawyer.


例句5:I tried to fix my computer myself, but I just ended up making it worse.


同义词及用法:finish, conclude, complete都可以作为end up的同义词使用,表示结束或达到某种状态或位置。

编辑总结:end up是一个常用的动词短语,在口语和书面语中都经常出现。它可以用来描述意外或不计划中的结果,也可以表示最终达到某种状态或位置。使用时要注意上下文,避免歧义。


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