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diplomatic什么意思? diplomatic翻译(中文文):外交的,

怎么读(音标): [dɪpləˈmætɪk]



1. The ambassador is known for his diplomatic skills and ability to negotiate effectively. (这位以其手腕和有效的谈判能力而闻名。)

diplomatic什么意思? diplomatic翻译(中文文):外交的,

2. The two countries have maintained a diplomatic relationship for over a century. (这两个已经保持了一个多世纪的关系。)

3. It is important for diplomats to be well-versed in diplomatic protocol and etiquette. (官员要精通礼节和礼仪是很重要的。)

4. The president has appointed a new head of the diplomatic corps. (任命了一位新的团长。)

5. The United Nations plays a crucial role in facilitating diplomatic relations between countries. (联合国在促进间的关系方面发挥着至关重要的作用。)


1. tactful: 谨慎的,圆滑的,善于处理难题的。

例句:It is important to be tactful when dealing with sensitive diplomatic issues.


2. strategic: 战略性的,策略性的,有利于达到目的的。

例句:The president's visit to the country was seen as a strategic move to improve diplomatic relations.


3. suave: 彬彬有礼的,温文尔雅的,善于应对的。

例句:The suave diplomat was able to diffuse tensions between the two countries with his charm and wit.





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