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diplomacy什么意思? diplomacy翻译(中文文):外交 hellip


diplomacy什么意思? diplomacy翻译(中文文):外交 hellip

二:diplomacy的读音为 [dɪˈpləʊməsi]。


四:1. The ambassador was praised for his excellent diplomacy in resolving the conflict between the two countries.(因在解决两国之间的中展现出色的手腕而受到赞扬。)

2. The country's diplomacy has been successful in maintaining peaceful relations with its neighboring countries.(该国的在维护与邻国之间的和平关系方面取得了成功。)

3. The government is hoping to use diplomacy to ease tensions between the two nations.(希望通过手段缓解两国之间的紧张局势。)

4. Diplomacy is often used to avoid conflicts and find mutually beneficial solutions.(常被用来避免并找到互利共赢的解决方案。)

5. The success of a diplomatic mission depends on the skills and tactics of the diplomats involved.(一次任务的成功与否取决于参与其中的官的技巧和策略。)

五:同义词及用法:diplomacy的同义词包括foreign relations、international relations、statecraft等,都指间的活动和关系。另外,也可以用diplomatic来表示“的”、“上的”,如diplomatic efforts(努力)、diplomatic relations(关系)。



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