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deputy是什么意思? deputy翻译(中文文):代理人, 代表 hellip

一:deputy是什么意思? deputy翻译(中文文):代理人, hellip 的意思是指一个人或团体在另一个人或团体的缺席时其行事的人。



deputy是什么意思? deputy翻译(中文文):代理人, 代表 hellip


1. The deputy will be in charge while the manager is away. (经理不在时,副经理将负责。)

2. The deputy mayor attended the meeting on behalf of the mayor. (副出席了。)

3. He was promoted from deputy director to director last year. (他去年从副主任晋升为主任。)

4. The deputy editor is responsible for proofreading all articles before publication. (副编辑负责在出版前校对所有文章。)

5. As the deputy head of the department, she oversees all daily operations. (作为部门的副负责人,她负责监督日常运营。)


1. substitute: 作为名词,substitute可以表示替代品或替补;作为动词,可以表示取代。

例句:The substitute teacher will fill in for the regular teacher today. (代课老师将在今天代替原来的老师。)

2. proxy: 作为名词,proxy可以表示代理人或授权委托书。

例句:She gave her husband a signed proxy to vote on her behalf at the shareholders' meeting. (她给了丈夫一份签署的授权委托书,在股东大会上她投票。)

3. representative: 作为名词,representative可以表示或代理人;作为形容词,可以表示典型的或有性的。

例句:The company's representatives met with the union to negotiate a new contract. (公司的与工会会面,就新合同进行谈判。)

4. stand-in: 作为名词,stand-in可以表示替身或替班;作为动词,可以表示临时顶替。

例句:The actor's stand-in was used for the dangerous stunt in the movie. (电影中危险特技由演员的替身来完成。)



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