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darkness是什么意思? darkness翻译(中文文):黑暗, 漆黑



例句1:The room was filled with darkness when the power went out. (当电力熄灭时,房间里充满了黑暗。)

darkness是什么意思? darkness翻译(中文文):黑暗, 漆黑

例句2:She was afraid of the darkness and always slept with a night light. (她害怕黑暗,总是睡觉时开着小夜灯。)

例句3:The darkness of the night made it difficult to see the road ahead. (夜晚的黑暗使得很难看清前方的道路。)

例句4:The darkness of his soul was reflected in his cold and distant demeanor. (他冷漠而疏远的举止反映出他内心的黑暗。)

例句5:She was lost in the darkness of her thoughts, unable to find a way out. (她陷入了自己思绪的黑暗中,找不到出路。)


1. obscurity (n.) 暗处,黑暗

例句:He stumbled through the obscurity of the cave, trying to find a way out.(他在洞穴的黑暗中摸索着,试图找到出路。)

2. gloom (n.) 黑暗,阴郁

例句:The gloom of the forest made her feel uneasy and afraid.(森林的阴郁让她感到不安和害怕。)

3. shadow (n.) 阴影,黑暗

例句:The shadow of the building provided some relief from the scorching sun.(建筑物的阴影为炎热的太阳提供了一些缓解。)

4. murk (n.) 黑暗,阴郁

例句:The city was shrouded in a thick murk, making it difficult to see anything.(城市被厚厚的黑暗笼罩着,很难看清任何东西。)




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