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coupled with什么意思? coupled with翻译(中文文):加上,

怎么读(音标): [kʌpld wɪð]

用法: coupled with是一个短语,常用来表示两个或多个事物的结合或联合。它可以用作动词,也可以用作形容词。


1. The new technology, coupled with our expertise, has helped us achieve great success in the market. (新技术加上我们的专业知识,帮助我们在市场上取得了巨大的成功。)

coupled with什么意思? coupled with翻译(中文文):加上,

2. Our company offers competitive salaries, coupled with excellent benefits and a positive work environment. (我们公司提供具有竞争力的薪水,加上优厚的福利和积极的工作环境。)

3. The team's hard work, coupled with their determination, led them to victory. (团队的辛勤工作加上他们的决心,使他们获得了胜利。)

4. The beautiful scenery, coupled with the warm weather, made for a perfect vacation. (美丽的风景加上温暖的天气,让假期变得完美。)

5. The company's financial troubles, coupled with their lack of innovation, led to their downfall. (公司的财务困难加上缺乏创新,导致了它们的衰落。)


1. Together with: 与...一起;和...一样;除了...之外

2. Along with: 与...一起;除了...之外;随着

3. In addition to: 除了...之外;加上

4. Combined with: 与...结合;加上

5. Coupled together: 联合在一起;加在一起


coupled with是一个常用的短语,用来表示两个或多个事物的结合或联合。它可以用作动词,也可以用作形容词。同义词包括together with、along with、in addition to、combined with和coupled together。使用时需要注意搭配和语境,可以帮助表达更准确的意思。


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