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considered什么意思? considered翻译(中文文):考虑过的,

怎么读(音标): [kən'sɪdərd]

用法: 作为形容词,表示被认为或被视为;作为动词,表示考虑或思考。

例句1:He is considered one of the best basketball players in the world. (他被认为是世界上最好的篮球运动员之一。)

considered什么意思? considered翻译(中文文):考虑过的,

例句2:The committee has considered all the options and has decided to go with the first one. (已经考虑了所有的选择,并决定采用第一个。)

例句3:I have considered your proposal, but I don't think it's feasible. (我已经考虑过你的提议,但我认为它不可行。)

例句4:The company is considering expanding into international markets. (公司正在考虑进国际市场。)

例句5:She carefully considered her next move before making a decision. (她在做出决定之前仔细考虑了下一步行动。)

同义词及用法: regarded, thought about, contemplated, reflected on

,可以说"He is widely regarded as a genius."(他被广泛认为是个天才。)或者"The team spent a lot of time thinking about their strategy."(团队花了很多时间思考他们的策略。)

编辑总结: Considered是一个多功能的单词,在不同语境下可以作为形容词或动词使用,都有着“被认为”或“被考虑”的含义。它可以用来描述某人或某物的特点或地位,也可以表示思考或决策的过程。在写作中,我们可以用它来替换一些常用的同义词,使文章更加丰富多彩。总的来说,考虑到这个单词的多样性和灵活性,在使用时需要根据具体语境进行理解和运用。


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