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conscience什么意思? conscience翻译(中文文):良心, 道



例句1:Her conscience told her she should confess her mistake. (她的良心告诉她应该坦白自己的错误。)

conscience什么意思? conscience翻译(中文文):良心, 道

例句2:He couldn't live with the guilt on his conscience. (他无法忍受内心的愧疚。)

例句3:It's important to have a clear conscience when making decisions. (做决定时保持良好的良心十分重要。)

例句4:She followed her conscience and refused to participate in the unethical project. (她听从自己的良心,拒绝参与那个不道德的项目。)

例句5:The thief didn't have a conscience and continued to steal from innocent people. (小偷没有良心,继续从无辜者那里偷东西。)


1. Morality: 道德准则,指一个人或社会所认可的行为规范。

例句:His morality was questioned when he cheated on his wife. (他在妻子背后,他的道德受到了质疑。)

2. Integrity: 正直,指一个人遵守自己信仰和原则,不屈从于外界的诱惑。

例句:She is known for her integrity and honesty in the business world. (她在商界以正直和诚实著称。)

3. Ethics: 伦理道德,指一种社会或文化共同遵循的道德标准。

例句:The company's code of ethics requires employees to always act with integrity. (公司的道德准则要求员工始终保持正直。)

4. Sense of right and wrong: 是非观,指一个人对于事物的好坏、对错有自己的判断。

例句:Her strong sense of right and wrong made her stand up against injustice. (她强烈的是非观使她勇敢地不公平。)


良心是指一个人内心深处的道德标准和价值观,它可以指导我们做出正确的决定和行为。同义词包括morality、integrity、ethics和sense of right and wrong等,它们都强调了个人或社会所认可的道德准则。我们应该时刻保持良好的良心,遵循自己内心的声音,做出符合道德标准的选择。


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