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英 [tuː tuː siː siː] 美 [tuː tuː siː siː] 用法: 名词。形容一种无聊的状态,通常用来表示无聊的程度很深。 例句: 1. She's been staring at the computer screen for hours, and she looks totally 222cccc. 她已经盯着电脑屏幕看了几个小时了,看起来完全无聊。 2. I hate this class, it's so 222cccc. 我讨厌这门课,太无聊了。 3. The party was a total disaster, everyone just sat there looking 222cccc. 派对是一场彻底的灾难,每个人都坐在那里看起来很无聊。 4. I can't stand this meeting, it's so 222cccc. 我受不了这次,太无聊了。 5. He was so bored during the lecture that he started doodling on his notebook, completely 222cccc. 他在听讲座时太无聊了,开始在笔记本上乱涂乱画,完全没有注意力。 同义词及用法: 1. dull:形容一件事情缺乏趣味或挑战性。 例句:The movie was so dull that I fell asleep halfway through. 2. tedious:形容一件事情枯燥乏味,重复且缺乏变化。 例句:The task was so tedious that I almost gave up halfway through. 3. monotonous:形容一件事情缺乏变化,单调乏味。 例句:His voice was so monotonous that I couldn't stay awake during the presentation. 4. uninteresting:形容一件事情缺乏吸引力或趣味。 例句:The book was so uninteresting that I couldn't finish reading it. 5. mind-numbing:形容一件事情极其无聊,让人感觉大脑麻木。 例句:The meeting was so mind-numbing that I couldn't focus on anything being discussed. 编辑总结: 222cccc是一个形容词,用来形容一种无聊的状态。它可以用来描述人或事物,表达无聊的程度很深。在口语中经常使用,特别是在年轻人之间。同义词有dull、tedious、monotonous、uninteresting和mind-numbing等。使用时要注意语境,避免与其他含义相近的词混淆。



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