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compatibility什么意思? compatibility翻译(中文文):兼



compatibility [kəmˌpætəˈbɪləti]

compatibility什么意思? compatibility翻译(中文文):兼


1. 用于描述两个或多个事物之间能够和谐共存的状态。

:The compatibility between the new software and the old operating system needs to be tested before it can be released to the market.(新软件与旧操作之间的兼容性需要在发布市场前进行测试。)

2. 用于描述两个或多个人之间能够相处融洽的状态。

:Their personalities are very different, but they have a great compatibility and can work well together.(他们的性格很不一样,但是他们有很强的兼容性,可以很好地合作。)

3. 用于描述两种事物之间能够有效配合、协调工作的状态。

:The new design has improved the compatibility between different parts of the machine, making it more efficient.(新设计提高了机器各部分之间的兼容性,使其更加高效。)

4. 用于描述软件、硬件等技术产品之间能够相互配合使用的状态。

:This printer has good compatibility with both Mac and Windows operating systems.(这台打印机与Mac和Windows操作都有很好的兼容性。)

5. 用于描述两个人之间能够有共同的利益、观点或价值观。

:Their marriage lasted for 30 years because of their strong compatibility in terms of values and beliefs.(他们的婚姻持续了30年,因为他们在价值观和信仰方面有很强的兼容性。)


1. The compatibility between the two companies was evident from their successful collaboration on the project.(这两家公司之间的兼容性从他们在这个项目上成功合作就可以看出来。)

2. The new software is not compatible with older versions of the operating system, causing many users to have issues with it.(新软件与旧版本的操作不兼容,导致许多用户遇到问题。)

3. Our team has great compatibility, which allows us to work efficiently and effectively together on projects.(我们团队之间有很强的兼容性,这使得我们能够在项目中高效、有效地合作。)

4. The company's goal is to ensure compatibility between all its products, so that they can be used seamlessly together by customers.(公司的目标是确保所有产品之间的兼容性,以便顾客可以无缝地使用它们。)

5. The couple's relationship ended due to a lack of compatibility in their personalities and interests.(这对夫妻的关系因为性格和兴趣不兼容而结束。)


1. Harmony: 表示两个或多个事物之间的和谐、一致。常用于描述人际关系或组织内部的协调。

:There is a great harmony between the members of this team, which is why they are able to achieve such success.(这个团队成员之间有很强的和谐,这也是他们能够取得如此成功的原因。)

2. Suitability: 表示适合、相配。常用于描述某物是否符合特定要求或需要。

:The new candidate's skills and experience make him a perfect suitability for the job.(新候选人的技能和经验使他非常适合这份工作。)

3. Accord: 表示一致、符合。常用于表示某事物与另一事物之间的相似或匹配。

:The results of the experiment were in complete accord with the hypothesis.(实验结果与假设完全一致。)

4. Consistency: 表示一致性、连贯性。常用于描述某事物在不同情况下都保持相同特征。

:The company's products have been praised for their consistency in quality and design.(该公司的产品因其在质量和设计上的一致性而受到赞扬。)

5. Conformity: 表示遵从、符合。常用于描述某事物是否符合既定标准或规范。

:The new building must be in conformity with the city's strict safety regulations.(新建筑必须符合城市严格的安全规定。)




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