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commander in chief什么意思? commander in chief翻译(中

一:commander in chief什么意思?

Commander in chief是一个英语短语,指的是或武装的最高指挥官。通常该职位由或元首担任,负责的指挥和管理。在美国,commander in chief也是的头衔之一。

commander in chief什么意思? commander in chief翻译(中


commander in chief的读音为[kəˈmændər ɪn ˈtʃif]。


commander in chief这个短语通常用来描述领导者的职位,可以作为名词使用。:“The commander in chief has ordered the troops to retreat.”(最高指挥官下令撤退。)


1. The president is also the commander in chief of the armed forces.(也是武装的最高指挥官。)

2. The commander in chief has declared a state of emergency.(最高指挥官宣布进入紧急状态。)

3. As commander in chief, he has the final say on all military decisions.(作为最高指挥官,他对所有决策有最终决定权。)

4. The commander in chief inspected the troops and praised their bravery.(最高指挥官检阅了并赞扬他们的勇敢。)

5. The commander in chief is responsible for the safety and well-being of all soldiers under his command.(最高指挥官负责指挥下属所有士的安全和福祉。)


与commander in chief意思相近的短语包括chief of staff(参谋长)、commanding officer(指挥官)和generalissimo(大)。在上,这些职位都指的是最高指挥官。


Commander in chief是一个用来描述最高领导者的英语短语。该职位通常由或元首担任,在美国也是的头衔之一。其读音为[kəˈmændər ɪn ˈtʃif],可以作为名词使用。与其意思相近的短语还包括chief of staff、commanding officer和generalissimo等。


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