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comfort什么意思? comfort翻译(中文文):安慰, 舒适, 安

【一】comfort什么意思? comfort翻译(中文文):安慰, 舒适, 安

comfort什么意思? comfort翻译(中文文):安慰, 舒适, 安





1. 作名词时,comfort指的是一种情感上的安慰或心理上的满足感。:The kind words brought her great comfort.(那些温暖的话语给她带来了极大的安慰。)

2. 作动词时,comfort表示给予某人安慰或使某人感到舒服。:She tried to comfort the crying child.(她努力安抚哭泣的孩子。)

3. 作形容词时,comfort指的是舒适、惬意、轻松等感觉。:The bed was very comfortable.(床非常舒服。)


1. She found great comfort in her friend's words.(她从朋友的话语中获得了极大的安慰。)

2. The soft music and warm blanket brought him comfort after a long day at work.(一整天工作后,柔和的音乐和温暖的毯子给他带来了舒适。)

3. He tried to comfort his wife after the loss of her father.(在妻子失去父亲后,他试图安慰她。)

4. The hotel room was very comfortable with a king-sized bed and fluffy pillows.(酒店房间里有一张超大号床和蓬松的枕头,非常舒适。)

5. The therapist provided emotional comfort to the patient during their session.(治疗师在会话期间给予病人情感上的安慰。)


1. Console:作动词时,与comfort意思相近,指给予某人安慰或鼓励。

例句:She tried to console her friend who had just lost her job.


2. Soothe:作动词时,指缓解痛苦或不适,并使某人感到舒适。

例句:The warm tea helped soothe her sore throat.


3. Ease:作名词时,指舒适、轻松的感觉。

例句:The massage chair provided great ease for her aching back.


4. Solace:作名词时,指给予某人上的安慰或支持。

例句:The kind words from her friends brought her solace during the difficult time.





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