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come up是什么意思,come up的解释

意思:come up是一个动词短语,表示“出现”、“发生”、“提出”等含义。

怎么读(音标):[kʌm ʌp]

用法:come up可以作为不及物动词,也可以作为及物动词。作为不及物动词时,常用于表示某件事情的发生或出现;作为及物动词时,常用于表示提出某个想法或建议。

come up是什么意思,come up的解释


1. The sun will come up in the east tomorrow morning. 明天早晨太阳将从东方升起。

2. I didn't expect this problem to come up during the meeting. 我没想到这个问题会在上提出。

3. He came up with a brilliant idea to solve the issue. 他想出了一个解决问题的好主意。

4. The opportunity to travel abroad finally came up and I seized it immediately. 终于有机会出国旅行了,我立刻抓住了它。

5. The ic of climate change came up in our conversation and we had a heated discussion about it. 我们谈论到气候变化这个话题时,就展开了激烈的讨论。

同义词及用法:emerge, arise, occur, present都可以替换come up的意思。:

1. A new problem emerged during the project and we had to find a solution quickly.

2. An unexpected opportunity arose and I decided to take it.

3. The issue occurred during the meeting and we had to address it immediately.

4. He presented a new proposal to solve the problem.

编辑总结:come up是一个常用的动词短语,可以表示某件事情的发生或出现,也可以表示提出想法或建议。它的同义词有emerge, arise, occur, present,但用法略有不同。在写作中,我们可以根据具体语境选择合适的词语来表达相应的含义。


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