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club什么意思? club翻译(中文文):俱乐部, 夜总会, hellip


1. 俱乐部:指由一群人组成的社交团体或组织,通常具有共同的兴趣爱好或目的。:I'm a member of the local book club.(我是当地读书俱乐部的会员。)

club什么意思? club翻译(中文文):俱乐部, 夜总会,  hellip

2. 夜总会:指提供娱乐、饮料和舞蹈表演的场所。:We went to a club last night and had a great time.(昨晚我们去了一家夜总会,玩得很开心。)

3. 棍棒:指用于打击或击球的长条状物品。:He used a golf club to hit the ball into the hole.(他用高尔夫球杆将球打进洞里。)

4. 社团:指由学生组成的学校内部组织,通常有特定的活动和使命。:I joined the chess club at my school.(我加入了学校的国际象棋社团。)

5. (扑克)梅花:指扑克牌中黑色花色中的一种。

6. (高尔夫)球杆数:指高尔夫球手在一场比赛中使用的不同类型的球杆。



1. 指具有共同兴趣爱好或目的的社交团体或组织。:She is a member of the local drama club.(她是当地戏剧俱乐部的成员。)

2. 指提供娱乐、饮料和舞蹈表演的夜总会。:We went to the club to celebrate my friend's birthday.(我们去夜总会庆祝我朋友的生日。)

3. 指用于打击或击球的长条状物品。:He used a cricket bat as a club to defend himself against the attacker.(他用板球棒作为棍棒来防御袭击者。)

4. 指由学生组成的学校内部组织,通常有特定的活动和使命。:The school has many different clubs, including a debate club and a music club.(学校里有很多不同的社团,包括辩论社团和音乐社团。)

5. 指扑克牌中黑色花色中的一种。:She has three clubs in her hand, so she can't play any more cards in this round.(她手里有三张梅花牌,所以这一轮她不能再打牌了。)

6. 指高尔夫球手在一场比赛中使用的不同类型的球杆。:He used his pitching wedge to get the ball out of the sand trap.(他用他的挖沙铲把球从沙坑里挖出来。)


1. 打击:指用棍棒或类似物品击打某物。:He clubbed the snake with a stick to kill it.(他用一根棍子把蛇打死了。)

2. 聚集:指聚集在一起形成团体或组织。:The students clubbed together to raise money for charity.(学生们聚集在一起为慈善筹款。)


1. I joined the photography club at my school because I love taking pictures.


2. We went to a jazz club last night and listened to some amazing live music.


3. The police officer used his club to break the car window and rescue the trapped child.


4. The book club meets every month to discuss a different novel.


5. She was dealt three clubs in her hand, so she decided to bid for the game.



1. association:指由人们组成的团体或组织,通常具有共同的兴趣爱好或目的。:I'm part of an association that helps to protect the environment.(我是一个帮助保护环境的协会的一员。)

2. society:指一个社会团体或组织,通常具有特定的目标和使命。:He is a member of the historical society in his town.(他是他镇上历史协会的成员。)

3. team:指由一群人共同合作完成任务或达成目标的小组。:The football team is practicing for their next game.(足球队正在为下一场比赛进行训练。)

4. lodge:指由成员组成并具有特定规则和仪式的社会团体。:He belongs to a Masonic lodge in his city.(他属于他所在城市一个共济会分会。)

5. clique:指由一小群人组成的紧密团体,通常具有排他性。:She's part of a clique of popular girls at school.(她是学校里一个受欢迎的女孩小团体的一员。)




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