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caster什么意思? caster翻译(中文文):投手, 轮脚, 调味


怎么读(音标): [ˈkæstər]


1. 作为名词,caster可以指代投手,特别是指棒球比赛中的投手。:The team's star caster led them to victory in the championship game.(这支球队的明星投手带领他们在冠赛中获胜。)

caster什么意思? caster翻译(中文文):投手, 轮脚, 调味

2. caster也可以指代家具上的轮子,用于方便移动家具。:The bed has casters on the bottom for easy moving.(床底部有轮子,方便移动。)

3. 在烹饪领域,caster也可以表示调味器具,通常用于撒盐或糖粉等。:She sprinkled some sugar on of the cake using a caster.(她用调味器在蛋糕上撒了一些糖。)

4. 作为动词时,caster可以表示使用轮子移动家具或其他物品。:We need to caster this table over to the other side of the room.(我们需要把这张桌子推到房间的另一边。)

5. 在舞台表演中,caster也可以指代演员在舞台上快速移动的动作。:The actors performed a series of casters across the stage.(演员们在舞台上表演了一系列快速移动的动作。)


1. The caster on my chair broke, making it difficult to move around the office.


2. The chef used a caster to sprinkle salt on the steak before grilling it.


3. The magician performed an impressive caster across the stage, leaving the audience in awe.


4. The team's star caster led them to victory in the final game of the season.


5. Please use casters to move the heavy furniture instead of dragging it on the floor.



1. pitcher:和caster一样,pitcher也可以指棒球比赛中的投手。

2. wheel:和caster一样,wheel也可以指代家具上的轮子。

3. seasoning:和caster类似,seasoning也可以表示调味品。

4. roll:和caster类似,roll也可以表示使用轮子移动物品。

5. sprint:和caster类似,sprint也可以指代舞台表演中快速移动的动作。




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