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by sea什么意思? by sea翻译(中文文):由海路 hellip

读音:[baɪ siː]

用法:by sea是一个英语短语,意为“通过海路”。通常用来描述旅行或运输方式。

例句:1. We will ship the goods by sea to save on transportation costs.(我们将通过海路运输货物以节省运费。)

by sea什么意思? by sea翻译(中文文):由海路 hellip

2. They traveled to Europe by sea, enjoying the scenic views along the way.(他们乘船去欧洲,沿途欣赏美景。)

3. The company imports most of its products by sea due to its proximity to major ports.(由于靠近主要港口,该公司大部分产品都是通过海路进口的。)

4. Many people prefer to travel by sea as it is a more relaxing and scenic way to reach their destination.(许多人选择乘船旅行,因为这是一种更放松、风景优美的到达目的地的方式。)

5. The majority of international trade is conducted by sea, making it a crucial mode of transportation for global economy.(大部分国际贸易都是通过海路进行的,使其成为全球经济中至关重要的运输方式。)

同义词及用法:by ship, via ocean, through maritime transport

编辑总结:by sea是一个常用的英语短语,意为“通过海路”。它可以用来描述旅行或运输方式,并且在商业领域中也经常被使用。它的同义词包括by ship、via ocean和through maritime transport等。在使用时,需要根据具体语境来选择最合适的短语。


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