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by no means是什么意思? by no means翻译(中文文):决不

by no means是一个常用的英语短语,意为“绝不,决不”。它由两个单词构成,by和never,分别表示“被”和“从来不”。这个短语通常用来强调某件事情绝对不会发生或某种情况绝对不可能发生。


by no means的音标为/baɪ nəʊ miːnz/。


by no means通常用作副词短语,在句子中作状语。它可以放在句首、句中或句末,但通常放在句首或句末以强调否定的程度。:

by no means是什么意思? by no means翻译(中文文):决不

- By no means will I agree to your proposal.

- I will by no means agree to your proposal.

- I will not agree to your proposal by any means.


1. By no means can you enter the restricted area without permission. 绝对不能未经许可进入限制区域。

2. He is by no means a good student, but he always works hard. 他并不是一个好学生,但他总是很努力。

3. This is by no means an easy task, but we will do our best to complete it. 这绝非易事,但我们会尽力完成。

4. By no means did she expect to win the competition, but she did. 她绝对没有料到自己会赢得比赛,但她确实赢了。

5. The situation is by no means ideal, but we have to make the best of it. 虽然情况并不理想,但我们必须充分利用。


by no means的同义词包括in no way、not at all、absolutely not等。它们都表示强烈的否定,但在使用上有些微小的差别。:

- In no way will I agree to your proposal. (绝对)不会同意你的提议。

- Not at all will I agree to your proposal. (绝对)不会同意你的提议。

- Absolutely not will I agree to your proposal. 绝对不会同意你的提议。


by no means是一个常用的英语短语,用来强调某件事情绝对不会发生或某种情况绝对不可能发生。它通常作为副词短语,在句子中作状语,放在句首或句末以强调否定的程度。它有许多近义词,如in no way、not at all、absolutely not等。在使用时需要注意上下文和语气,以更准确地表达自己的意思。


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