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brainpower什么意思? brainpower翻译(中文文):智能, 智


brainpower什么意思? brainpower翻译(中文文):智能, 智



1. His brainpower is impressive, he always comes up with creative solutions to our problems. (他的智慧令人印象深刻,他总是能想出创造性的解决方案来解决我们的问题。)

2. The success of a company depends on the collective brainpower of its employees. (一家公司的成功取决于其员工集体的智慧。)

3. She has a lot of brainpower, but she lacks motivation to use it effectively. (她有很多智慧,但缺乏有效利用它的动力。)

4. The game requires both physical and brainpower, making it a great way to exercise your body and mind at the same time. (这个游戏需要身体和头脑两者兼备,因此是锻炼身心的绝佳方式。)

5. The team's success is a result of their combined brainpower and hard work. (团队的成功归功于他们共同拥有的智慧和努力。)

同义词及用法:intelligence (智力)、mental ability (智能)、cognitive power (认知能力)、intellect (才智)

编辑总结:Brainpower是一个形容人的智慧和头脑能力的词汇,它可以用来形容个人的能力,也可以指代集体的智慧。它的同义词包括intelligence、mental ability、cognitive power和intellect等。在使用时,需要注意根据上下文来确定其指代的对象。


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