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bottom是什么意思? bottom翻译(中文文):底, 底部, 尽头,

一:bottom是什么意思? bottom翻译(中文文):底, 底部, 尽头,的意思,指某物或某人的最下方或最末端,也可以表示最低点或最底层。在不同的语境下,bottom也可以有不同的含义,比如指事物的基础、根源或核心。

bottom是什么意思? bottom翻译(中文文):底, 底部, 尽头,



1. 指某物或某人的最下方或最末端:The bottom of the page.(页面底部。)She sat at the bottom of the stairs.(她坐在楼梯底部。)

2. 指事物的基础、根源或核心:The bottom of the problem.(问题的根源。)He hit rock bottom in his career.(他事业触底了。)

3. 指某物的最低点:The bottom of the ocean.(海洋的最低点。)

4. 指某物的最底层:The bottom of the food chain.(食物链的最底层。)


1. 指向下移动到某个位置:He bottomed out on his skateboard and fell off.(他滑板时失去平衡摔倒了。)

2. 指达到最低点:The stock market bottomed out last week.(股市上周触底了。)

3. 指用尽或消耗完:He bottomed out his savings to pay for the trip.(他用尽储蓄来支付旅行费用。)


1. The treasure is hidden at the bottom of the sea.(宝藏被藏在海底。)

2. She always puts her phone at the bottom of her bag, making it hard to find.(她总是把手机放在包的最底部,很难找到。)

3. This book is just scratching the surface, you need to dig deeper to get to the bottom of the issue.(这本书只是浅尝辄止,你需要深入挖掘才能找到问题的根源。)

4. The water level in the lake has reached its bottom, we need to find a way to refill it.(湖水已经达到了最低水平,我们需要想办法补充水源。)

5. He finally hit rock bottom and realized he needed help with his addiction.(他终于触底反弹,意识到自己需要帮助戒除瘾症。)

五:同义词及用法,bottom的同义词包括base、foundation、foot、lowest point等,它们都可以表示某物或某人的最下方或最末端,或者事物的基础、根源或核心。



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