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bore什么意思? bore翻译(中文文):令人讨厌的人, 怒潮 hellip

bore [bɔːr]

n. 令人讨厌的人,怒潮 hellip

v. 承受,忍受;钻孔;打猎;使厌烦


1. bore作为名词时,指的是令人讨厌的人或事物,也可以指怒潮。作为动词时,有多种含义。

bore什么意思? bore翻译(中文文):令人讨厌的人, 怒潮 hellip

2. bore可以表示“承受”、“忍受”,如:I can't bear the pain any longer.(我无法再忍受这种疼痛了。)

3. bore也可以表示“钻孔”,如:The workers are boring a hole in the wall.(工人们正在墙上钻孔。)

4. bore还可以表示“打猎”,如:He went out to bore for deer yesterday.(他昨天出去打猎鹿了。)

5. bore也可以表示“使厌烦”,如:Her constant complaints bore me to death.(她不断的抱怨让我感到厌烦至极。)


1. He is such a bore that nobody wants to talk to him at parties.


2. The loud music bores into my head and I can't concentrate on my work.


3. The workers have been boring through the mountain for months to build the tunnel.


4. The hunters are going to bore for wild boars in the forest this weekend.


5. Her constant nagging and complaining about everything bore her husband to death.



1. nuisance: 令人讨厌的人,麻烦事物

2. annoyance: 烦恼,恼怒

3. vexation: 苦恼,气愤

4. bother: 打扰,操心

5. irritation: 恼火,刺激



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