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bones是什么意思翻译-词典 mdash 在线汉语新华字典

一:bones是什么意思翻译-词典 mdash 在线汉语新华字典的意思


bones是什么意思翻译-词典 mdash 在线汉语新华字典




1. 作为可数名词,用来指代人或动物的骨头。:

- The archaeologists found some ancient bones in the cave.(考古学家在洞穴中了一些古老的骨骼。)

- My dog loves to chew on bones.(我的狗喜欢咬骨头。)

2. 作为不可数名词,用来指某些物质或结构的坚硬部分。:

- The foundation of the building is made of solid bones.(这座建筑的基础是由坚固的材料构成。)

- The bones of a ship are its framework.(船身的“骨架”是它的结构。)

3. 作为动词,表示削弱或削减某物。:

- He boned the chicken before cooking it.(他在烹饪前把鸡剔了骨。)

- I need to bone up on my Spanish before my trip to Spain.(我需要在去西班牙旅行前复习一下我的西班牙语。)


1. The doctor said that my bones are strong and healthy.


2. The dog buried the bone in the backyard.


3. This soup is made with beef bones, which gives it a rich flavor.


4. The bones of the old house creaked in the wind.


5. She needs to bone up on her math skills before the exam.



1. skeleton:指人或动物的骨架,也可以指建筑物或其他结构的框架。

- The skeleton of the dinosaur was on display at the museum.


- The architect designed a steel skeleton for the new building.


2. frame:主要指人或动物的骨架,也可以指建筑物或其他结构的框架。

- He has a small frame, but he is very strong.


- The frame of the house was made of wood.


3. structure:指建筑物、或其他有组织的东西的整体。

- The structure of the building is very unique.


- The company is going through a major restructuring.


4. carcass:指动物尸体或被宰杀后剩余的骨头和肉。

- The vultures were circling above the carcass of a dead deer.


- After removing the meat, they threw the carcass into the river.





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