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bones什么意思? bones翻译(中文文):骨骼, 尸体 hellip

一:bones什么意思? bones翻译(中文文):骨骼, 尸体 hellip



bones的发音为 [boʊnz],其中[oʊ]发音类似于汉语拼音中的“ou”。

bones什么意思? bones翻译(中文文):骨骼, 尸体 hellip


1. 名词用法:指人或动物的遗骸,也可以指某个部位的骨头。

例句:The archaeologist found the bones of a dinosaur in the desert.(考古学家在沙漠中了一只恐龙的骨头。)

2. 动词用法:指将肉从动物的骨头上剥离。

例句:She carefully boned the chicken before cooking it.(她在烹饪前仔细地把鸡去了骨头。)


1. The dog buried the bone in the backyard.(狗把骨头埋在后院。)

2. The archaeologists discovered a pile of human bones at the ancient burial site.(考古学家在古墓地了一堆人类骨头。)

3. The chef skillfully boned the fish before cooking it.(厨师在烹饪前巧妙地把鱼去了骨头。)

4. The doctor examined the X-ray of the patient's broken bone.(医生检查了病人断裂的骨头的X光片。)

5. She felt a sharp pain in her leg after falling and realized she had broken a bone.(她摔倒后感到腿部剧烈疼痛,意识到自己骨折了。)


1. skeleton:指人或动物的骨架,也可以指建筑物的基本结构。

例句:The museum has a complete dinosaur skeleton on display.(博物馆展示了一具完整的恐龙骨架。)

2. remains:指遗体或遗迹,也可以指残余部分。

例句:The remains of the ancient city can still be seen today.(古城的遗迹今天仍然可见。)

3. carcass:指动物的尸体,也可以指废弃物。

例句:The vultures were feasting on the carcass of a dead deer.(秃鹫正在吃一只死鹿的尸体。)

4. frame:指骨架或框架,也可以指身体的结构。

例句:The old man's frail frame could not withstand the harsh winter.(老人脆弱的身体无法抵挡严冬。)




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