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1,mortality是指人类或动物的死亡率,即在一定时间内死亡的人数或动物数量。:The mortality rate of this disease is very high.(这种疾病的死亡率非常高。)

2,mortality也可以指生命的有限性和脆弱性。:The inevitability of mortality is a fact that we must all come to terms with.(生命有限性是一个我们都必须面对的事实。)

3,mortality也可以指某个特定群体或地区的死亡率。:The mortality among infants in this region is alarming.(这个地区婴儿的死亡率令人担忧。)


/mɔːrˈtæləti/ (英式发音)

/mɔːrˈtæləti/ (美式发音)


1. The mortality rate of cancer has been steadily decreasing due to advances in medical treatments.(由于医疗治疗手段的进步,癌症的死亡率已经稳步下降。)

2. The study found a correlation between air pollution and increased mortality rates in urban areas.(这项研究城市地区空气污染与增加的死亡率之间存在相关性。)

3. The war resulted in a high mortality rate among soldiers due to lack of proper medical care.(由于缺乏适当的医疗护理,战争导致士的死亡率很高。)

4. The mortality rate of heart disease is higher in men than in women.(心脏病的死亡率在男性中比女性高。)

5. The mortality of these endangered species is a cause for concern among conservationists.(这些濒危物种的死亡引起了保护主义者的关注。)


1. infant mortality 婴儿死亡率

2. maternal mortality 母亲死亡率

3. mortality table 死亡率表

4. mortality risk 死亡风险

5. mortality data 死亡数据


1,mortality是指人类或动物的死亡率,即在一定时间内死亡的人数或动物数量。:The mortality rate of this disease is very high.(这种疾病的死亡率非常高。)

2,mortality也可以指生命的有限性和脆弱性。:The inevitability of mortality is a fact that we must all come to terms with.(生命有限性是一个我们都必须面对的事实。)

3,mortality也可以指某个特定群体或地区的死亡率。:The mortality among infants in this region is alarming.(这个地区婴儿的死亡率令人担忧。)

1,mortality refers to the death rate of human or animal, that is, the number of deaths within a certain period of time. For example: The mortality rate of this disease is very high.

2,mortality can also refer to the finiteness and fragility of life. For example: The inevitability of mortality is a fact that we must all come to terms with.

3,mortality can also refer to the death rate of a specific group or region. For example: The mortality among infants in this region is alarming.

/mɔːrˈtæləti/ (英式发音)

/mɔːrˈtæləti/ (美式发音)

/mɔːrˈtæləti/ (British English)

/mɔːrˈtæləti/ (American English)

1. 癌症的死亡率一直在稳步下降,这要归功于医学治疗手段的进步。

The mortality rate of cancer has been steadily decreasing due to advances in medical treatments.

2. 这项研究城市地区空气污染与增加的死亡率之间存在相关性。

The study found a correlation between air pollution and increased mortality rates in urban areas.

3. 由于缺乏适当的医疗护理,战争导致士的死亡率很高。

The war resulted in a high mortality rate among soldiers due to lack of proper medical care.

4. 心脏病的死亡率在男性中比女性高。

The mortality rate of heart disease is higher in men than in women.

5. 这些濒危物种的死亡引起了保护主义者的关注。

The mortality of these endangered species is a cause for concern among conservationists.

1. 婴儿死亡率 infant mortality

2. 母亲死亡率 maternal mortality

3. 死亡率表 mortality table

4. 死亡风险 mortality risk

5. 死亡数据 mortality data



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