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1. mind的用法详解:mind作为名词时,表示“头脑、思想、想法”,也可以指“智力、理智”等。作为动词时,表示“注意、介意、反对”等。

2. 常见短语和例句解释:

(1)bear in mind:记住,牢记。例句:Please bear in mind that this is a confidential matter.

(2)change one's mind:改变主意。例句:I was going to go out, but I changed my mind and stayed home instead.

(3)have a good/bad mind to do something:有意做某事/不打算做某事。例句:I have a good mind to quit my job and travel the world.

(4)in one's right mind:神志正常的。例句:No one in their right mind would jump off a cliff like that.

(5)keep in mind:牢记在心,记住。例句:Keep in mind that we have a deadline for this project.

3. 常见短语和例句读音读法:

mind [maɪnd];bear in mind [beər ɪn maɪnd];change one's mind [tʃeɪndʒ wʌnz maɪnd];have a good/bad mind to do something [hæv ə ɡʊd/bæd maɪnd tə duː sʌmθɪŋ];in one's right mind [ɪn wʌnz raɪt maɪnd];keep in mind [kiːp ɪn maɪnd]

4. 常见短语和例句用例:

(1)She always has a good mind for business and is very successful.

(2)I was going to buy a new car, but then I changed my mind and decided to save money instead.

(3)I have a bad mind to tell the boss what I really think of him.

(4)In his right mind, he would never agree to such a risky plan.

(5)Please keep in mind that we have a limited budget for this project.

5. 常见短语和例句组词:

state of mind (心态);open-minded (开明的);mind-blowing (令人惊叹的);mind control ();peace of mind (心安理得)

6. 常见短语和例句的中英文对照:

bear in mind:记住,牢记

change one's mind:改变主意

have a good/bad mind to do something:有意做某事/不打算做某事

in one's right mind:神志正常的

keep in mind:牢记在心,记住

1. Mind as a noun refers to "the faculty of consciousness and thought", and can also refer to "intelligence, reason" and so on. As a verb, it means "to pay attention, to object, or to oppose".

2. Explanation of common phrases and example sentences:

(1) Bear in mind: remember, keep in mind. Example sentence: Please bear in mind that this is a confidential matter.

(2) Change one's mind: change one's opinion. Example sentence: I was going to go out, but I changed my mind and stayed home instead.

(3) Have a good/bad mind to do something: intend to do something/not intend to do something. Example sentence: I have a good mind to quit my job and travel the world.

(4) In one's right mind: mentally sound. Example sentence: No one in their right mind would jump off a cliff like that.

(5) Keep in mind: remember, keep in mind. Example sentence: Keep in mind that we have a deadline for this project.

3. Pronunciation of common phrases and example sentences:

mind [maɪnd];bear in mind [beər ɪn maɪnd];change one's mind [tʃeɪndʒ wʌnz maɪnd];have a good/bad mind to do something [hæv ə ɡʊd/bæd maɪnd tə duː sʌmθɪŋ];in one's right mind [ɪn wʌnz raɪt maɪnd];keep in mind [kiːp ɪn maɪnd]

4. Usage examples of common phrases:

(1) She always has a good mind for business and is very successful.

(2) I was going to buy a new car, but then I changed my mind and decided to save money instead.

(3) I have a bad mind to tell the boss what I really think of him.

(4) In his right mind, he would never agree to such a risky plan.

(5) Please keep in mind that we have a limited budget for this project.

5. Word combinations with common phrases:

state of mind; open-minded; mind-blowing; mind control; peace of mind

6. Comparison of common phrases and example sentences in Chinese and English:

bear in mind: 记住,牢记

change one's mind: 改变主意

have a good/bad mind to do something: 有意做某事/不打算做某事

in one's right mind: 神志正常的

keep in mind: 牢记在心,记住


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