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basket case英英字典

一:basket case英英字典的意思:

basket case是一个英语俚语,指的是一个身体或状态极差的人,也可以指某个或组织处于混乱、破败的状态。


[basket case] /ˈbæskɪt keɪs/

basket case英英字典


basket case通常用作形容词,描述一个人或组织处于糟糕的状态。它也可以作为名词使用,指代这样的人或组织。在口语中,它也可以用来表示某人情绪低落、心理不稳定。


1. After the car accident, she became a complete basket case and couldn't function normally.(在车祸后,她变得完全无法自理,无法正常生活。)

2. The company was a total basket case, with debts piling up and employees quitting left and right.(这家公司一团糟,债务不断增加,员工纷纷离职。)

3. My friend is such a basket case lately, I'm worried about her mental health.(我朋友最近心情非常低落,我担心她的健康。)

4. The country's economy is a basket case, with high unemployment rates and inflation out of control.(这个的经济一团糟,失业率高涨,通货膨胀失控。)

5. She was a basket case after her breakup, crying all the time and not eating.(她分手后变得崩溃,整天哭泣,不吃东西。)


1. wreck:指身体或状态极差的人,也可以指某物被毁坏得很严重。

例句:After the marathon, I was a complete wreck and couldn't move for days.(马拉松赛后,我完全崩溃了,几天都动不了。)

2. disaster:指某件事情非常失败或糟糕。

例句:The party was a disaster, with no one showing up and the food burning in the oven.(聚会一团糟,没有人来参加,食物还在烤箱里烧焦了。)

3. mess:指某人或某物处于混乱、凌乱的状态。

例句:Her room is always a mess, with clothes and books scattered everywhere.(她的房间总是一团糟,到处都是衣服和书。)

4. shambles:指某件事情或地方处于混乱、毁坏的状态。

例句:The project was a shambles, with deadlines missed and budget overruns.(这个项目一团糟,错过了截止日期,预算超支。)


basket case作为一个英语俚语,通常用来形容一个人或组织处于糟糕的状态。它可以作为形容词使用,也可以作为名词使用。除了指身体或状态极差的人,它也可以用来描述某件事情或地方处于混乱、毁坏的状态。在日常生活中,我们可以使用一些同义词来替换basket case,以增加表达的变化性。


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