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1. low的意思是什么?


2. low的用法和例句有哪些?

a. 形容词用法:

- The shelf is too low for me to reach the books on the .(这个架子太低了,我够不着上面的书。)

- The temperature is getting lower and lower, we should turn on the heater.(温度越来越低,我们应该开暖气了。)

b. 副词用法:

- She spoke in a low voice so that no one could hear her.(她小声说话,以免被人听到。)

- He was feeling low after losing his job.(失业后他感到很沮丧。)

c. 名词用法:

- The lows of life are just as important as the highs.(生活中的低谷和高峰同样重要。)

- The stock market has experienced many highs and lows this year.(股市今年经历了很多起伏。)

3. low的读音读法

/loʊ/ (英式发音),/ləʊ/ (美式发音)

4. low的用例,例句1-5句:

1. The sun was low in the sky, casting a warm glow over the horizon.


2. She always feels low when it rains.


3. The singer's voice was so low that I could barely hear her.


4. The economy is going through a period of lows and highs.


5. He's been feeling quite low since his dog passed away.


5. low的组词

- low-key (低调的)

- low-cost (低成本的)

- lower-class (下层阶级的)

- low-grade (劣质的)

- low-income (低收入的)

6. low的中英文对照


英文:low, small, depressed, humble



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