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1. measure是什么意思?


2. measure是什么意思?读音读法

measure的读音为 ['meʒər],重音在第一音节。它的发音与单词“pleasure”的结尾相同。

3. measure是什么意思?的用例

(1) The tailor took my measurements for the new suit. (裁缝给我量身定制新衣服。)

(2) The government has implemented strict measures to control air pollution. (已经采取严格措施来空气污染。)

(3) We need to take immediate measures to prevent this problem from getting worse. (我们需要立即采取措施防止这个问题变得更糟。)

(4) The teacher used a ruler to measure the length of the table. (老师用尺子测量桌子的长度。)

(5) We can use this survey as a measure of customer satisfaction. (我们可以把这项调查作为客户满意度的衡量标准。)

4. measure是什么意思?组词

- measurement (n.) 测量,尺寸

- measurable (adj.) 可测量的

- measureless (adj.) 无限的,无穷的

- measure up (v.) 达到标准,符合要求

- countermeasure (n.) 对策,应对措施

5. measure是什么意思?的中英文对照

measure - 测量/标准/措施/尺寸/衡量

measurement - 测量/尺寸

measurable - 可测量的

measureless - 无限的,无穷的

measure up - 达到标准,符合要求

countermeasure - 对策,应对措施

6. 对整个内容做一个简单的总结



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