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backfire是什么意思翻译-词典 mdash 在线汉语新华字典

一:backfire是什么意思翻译-词典 mdash 在线汉语新华字典的意思



backfire [ˈbækfaɪər]

backfire是什么意思翻译-词典 mdash 在线汉语新华字典


1. 作为动词时,backfire表示“适得其反”,常用于描述某件事情或计划的结果与原本预期的相反。

- His plan to get a promotion backfired when he made a mistake during the presentation.


- The company's attempt to cut costs ended up backfiring and causing them to lose even more money.


2. 作为名词时,backfire指“汽车或机器后部的喷火器”,也可以指“逆火”、“倒退”等。

- The car's backfire startled the pedestrians on the street.


- The plan was a complete backfire and caused more problems than it solved.



1. His attempt to fix the leaky pipe ended up backfiring and causing a flood in the kitchen.


2. I thought my surprise party for her would be a great success, but it backfired when she got sick and couldn't attend.


3. The government's new policy to encourage small businesses backfired when many of them failed due to lack of support.


4. The prank they played on their teacher backfired when she found out and gave them all detention.


5. I thought quitting my job without another one lined up was a good idea, but it ended up backfiring and I struggled to find a new job for months.



1. Misfire:意为“未达到预期的效果”,常用于形容计划、武器等失败。

- The company's new product launch misfired when it received negative reviews from customers.


- The bomb misfired and didn't explode as planned.


2. Boomerang:意为“适得其反,带来相反的结果”,常用于比喻性语境。

- His attempt to discredit his opponent ended up boomeranging and making him look bad instead.


- The company's decision to cut corners and save money boomeranged when their products were found to be of poor quality.


3. Backlash:意为“强烈的反对或”,常用于形容社会舆论或方面的反应。

- The government's new policy caused a huge backlash from the public, who felt it was unfair.


- The company faced a backlash from consumers when it was revealed that their products were made using child labor.





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