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1. The strong wind knocked over the trees in the park.(大风把公园里的树都吹倒了。)

2. The toddler knocked over the glass of water on the table.(小孩子把桌子上的水杯打翻了。)

3. The thief knocked over a vase while trying to escape from the house.(小偷在逃跑时打翻了一只花瓶。)

4. The car accident caused several lamp posts to be knocked over.(车祸导致几根路灯被撞倒了。)

5. The angry man knocked over a chair in frustration.(愤怒的男人失去,把椅子踢倒了。)


/knɑːk ˈəʊvə/ (英式发音)或 /nɑːk ˈoʊvər/ (美式发音)


1. She accidentally knocked over her coffee cup and spilled it all over her shirt.


2. The earthquake was so strong that it knocked over buildings and caused widespread damage.


3. The cat knocked over a vase while chasing a mouse in the house.


4. The strong waves knocked over the small boat, causing the passengers to fall into the water.


5. The little boy was so excited that he accidentally knocked over his birthday cake.



1. knockover effect (影响力)

2. knockover price (低价)

3. knockover value (击倒价值)

4. knockover game (击倒游戏)

5. knockover target (被推倒的目标)


1. The strong wind knocked over the trees in the park.


2. The toddler knocked over the glass of water on the table.


3. The thief knocked over a vase while trying to escape from the house.


4. The car accident caused several lamp posts to be knocked over.


5. The angry man knocked over a chair in frustration.


1. 强风把公园里的树都吹倒了。

2. 小孩子把桌子上的水杯打翻了。

3. 小偷在逃跑时打翻了一只花瓶。

4. 车祸导致几根路灯被撞倒了。

5. 愤怒的男人失去,把椅子踢倒了。



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